Wednesday, June 18, 2008

he's on the move

It's sad but true, Mr. Ryland has become semi-mobile. It makes me sad that he's growing up so quickly. 

Sunday morning he rolled off the bed,  I nearly died. Luckily, as odd as it is, Mark had recently broke the bed (he sat on it and it collapsed) so we are currently sleeping on a mattress on the floor so the fall wasn't too bad, but I was freaking out because he could have seriously hurt himself by hitting his head on the nightstand or something. He was scared but no wounds this time-lucky us! This new found fear of mine caused me to grab his mattress from the crib i've never used and put it on the floor next to our bed, we surrounded it with "padding" so a) he wouldn't get stuck in between the mattress and his little bed and b) I'm freaked out he is going to suffocate so we had to proof it for that as well. Here's a picture of our little set up for him. The last few nights he's started out in his "bed" and moved back up with us around 1 or 2 in the morning. He actually LOVES his little set up, as soon as we put him down he goes nuts! its adorable.
Tonight we put him down and I thought he was asleep, I heard him talking so I sent Mark in to get him (I was busy reading the drama of mamadrama at the moment), Mark said "hes not making any noise, he's fine" about 2 mins later I swore I heard him again so we went to check it out, he had wiggled all the way past the mattress and under a pillow to the floor the sneaky kid. He was upset because he got stuck mid-wiggle. We quickly reconfigured the layout so I think we're good.
I'm not going to lie, its pretty cute seeing how excited he gets when he squirms and gets something that he's been eyeing. He looks up at us and has this HUGE smile on his face like "look what I did mom". My son is adorable. Its a fact.

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