Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Chicken pox cases increase since vaccinations

I saw this article on a chicken pox vac thread on and thought it was very interesting. I am personally completely against the vaccine and really only understand parents who choose to get a male child in their teens vaccinated.

The article is about how since 2005 there has been a 41% increase in the # of chicken pox cases in Texas even though there is a requirement to get it by age 8. This article is not anti-vacs so I don't want people not reading because they think its a biased piece.

What I found interesting while reading was the following:"Shirley Schreiber, director of health services with the Northside Independent School District in San Antonio, said vaccinated students who get chicken pox end up staying home the same number of days as they would have without the vaccine."

I find that statement interesting because the reason the chicken pox vaccine came out was to keep parents from taking off work, ask your doctor they'll admit it too. So why bother having the vaccine if your vaccinated child still has to stay home the same number of days? The whole point of the vaccine was convenience to parents and their workplace but its looking like the vaccine isn't really that convenient so why are they still pushing the vaccine!? I'm just lost and confused why we keep pumping our children with chemicals for no reason. Bizzare.


Ashley said...

Thanks for this post!

Ashley said...

I'm trying to follow your blog, but it says "this blog doesn't have a feed..."??

Tara said...

I'm completely new to blogging and so I don't know how to get a feed going? Thanks for trying to follow me. I love reading your blog!