Saturday, November 22, 2008

Breastfeed babies have a reduced risk to sleep apnea!?

Yet another reason to breastfeed your child. While reading a forum on (a new favorite site I might add) I discovered that breastfeeding reduces the risk of obstructive sleep apnea. Because breastfeeding is SO important to the proper development of the swallowing action of the tounge, proper alignment of the teeth and shaping of the hard palate by not breast feeding your child is at risk to have a V-shaped palate which can cause sleep apnea. OSA (obsructive sleep apnea) causes snoring, daytime sleepiness, periods during sleep where you stop breathing, and in adulthood can cause headaches, depression as well as a HUGE number of problems which are listed in the article.

This study has been around since the 1970s yet, I've never heard that breastfeeding helps to form the palate before. I've always heard the basic health benefits of breastfeeding and how it helps mother and child bond but I have never heard anything to do with the pallate. It got me thinking, if I had never heard that until now how many other women are out there unaware that by choosing to formula feed they are creating future serious problems oral health wise for their children?

I found the following quote from the article interesting, "before the invention of baby bottles and pacifiers, high palates, narrow dental arches, and overjets were rare." Why didn't a health association try to promote breastfeeding instead of pushing for formula? Why when you are sitting at the OB office pregnant and being handed every pamphlet on everything are you not handed a pamphlet on the ill-affects of bottle feeding?

Its just something to think about...

1 comment:

Ashley said...

I have wondered about the effects breastfeeding has on the baby's mouth. The strength they need when sucking properly. The muscle they build in their jaw. I didn't look into it, but made a mental note that everything is the way it is for a reason, and my baby was going to develop how nature intended!