Sunday, July 20, 2008

This will make you mad.

Don't you know that breast feeding isn't natural? and is also SEXUAL ABUSE? Thats what pgmr64804 woman (who has posted 3 videos on youtube) is claiming. She says how glad she is that she talked her daughter in law out of breast feeding her grandchild because everyone knows that breast feeding is dangerous??

Wow, I really didn't know that there were people out there that felt like this.. How stupid can you be? Stuff like this really makes me sad...

I am not going to go into how STUPID this woman is because this would be a VERY long post. I just wanted to share.. maybe when I cool down I can shed some insight into what I think is wrong with that womans brain..


Anonymous said...

I agree. The woman here in question is an idiot. If you watch her non-verbal communication, you can see some neurons are certainly not firing as they should be. Sad part is that some people will actually take her serious.

Tara said...

Yea, Its just really a shock that there are people out there that feel that way. I don't get how she can say BFing isn't natural when its probably the MOST incredible and natural thing a woman's body can do!

Anonymous said...

I agree with the woman and Breastfeeding is NOT the most incredible and natural thing a woman's body can do. it's the worst and most useless thing either.

Anonymous said...

I didn;t get to see but one of these videos because she deleted them. I think she even deleted her account. Perhaps it is for the best.