Happy Earth Day!!!
In honor of Earth Day Ryland and I are going to spend most of our day outside, enjoying this incredible weather AND picking up trash that we find along the way! I'm glad is so nice out because by us being outside we're not using up electricity (lights, TV, COMPUTER!) so it'll add to our Earth Day celebration!
I'm hoping I get the cloth diapers I ordered last week today, I can't wait to start using them. I'm not going to lie, I'm a bit nervous about the transition but when I think about how many diapers he goes through a week and how long those diapers sit in a landfill it makes me sick so this is the best thing we can do!
I'm trying to get Mark on board with having a compost in our house. Right now the idea of worms hanging out really bothers him, I think I have a chance of winning this battle but like everything else, its a wait and see game.
As some of you know, I'm a big-time admirer of Amy from Crunchy Domestic Goddess. For Earth Day she is holding a giveaway so you should def check out her site, the winner is going to get some pretty awesome stuff!
Here are some ideas on how you're family can make small changes for our environment from TheDailyGreen
- Pay bills online
- Fill the Fridge
- Turn off the tap
- Walk up instead of Drive through
- Put on a sweater
- Donate instead of throwing away clothing
- Microwave in glass
Just a few of the incredibly EASY things you can do in everyday life to do your part! Check out the link for ALL the ideas and explanations to why you want to do these things!
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