The Chicago Sun Times just wrote an article stating that powder formula could have caused the death of multiple babies by giving them meningitis (and other bacterial diseases).
The story begins with a family who had pre-mature twins november of 2007. The twins were given Enfamil powdered formula while in the NICU and one of the boys passed away due to meningitis. On his death certificate there was a note from the Illinois Department of Health stating that his formula consumption was associated with his death.
The article says the reason powdered formula is so risky is because it cannot be steralized. The container states "... powdered infant formulas are not sterile and should not be fed to premature infants or infants who might have immune problems unless directed and supervised by your baby's doctor." Mead Johnson since has also come out and said that this product should not be used in any neo-natal care units. The only reason I can imagine that a NICU would use powdered formula even though their is a risk right on the can is that its much cheaper.
This is not an isolated case, there have been reported brain damage and deaths country-wide. Why has no one heard of these stories? Its more than irritating. Unfortuneatly we formula feed and we use powdered formula. We discussed formula options with our doctor and never were encouraged to not buy the powdered type (since my son has a heart defect I worry about potential illness) I can't even imagine losing my child because of a nurse/doctor giving them un-sterilized formula. I'm so sad for the familes that have lost their children.
Leah's Birth
12 years ago