Sunday, July 20, 2008

This will make you mad.

Don't you know that breast feeding isn't natural? and is also SEXUAL ABUSE? Thats what pgmr64804 woman (who has posted 3 videos on youtube) is claiming. She says how glad she is that she talked her daughter in law out of breast feeding her grandchild because everyone knows that breast feeding is dangerous??

Wow, I really didn't know that there were people out there that felt like this.. How stupid can you be? Stuff like this really makes me sad...

I am not going to go into how STUPID this woman is because this would be a VERY long post. I just wanted to share.. maybe when I cool down I can shed some insight into what I think is wrong with that womans brain..

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Another reason I wish I breastfed

Last night I almost wiped out and I would have taken Ryland down with me. He was up for his usual 4:30 snack time so I grabbed him and went to fill the bottle up, Mark left a belt and a shirt on our floor and I first stepped on the metal thing on the belt (which I broke) and then slipped on the shirt. ugh. The first thing I said was "this is why breast feeding is so much easier", the convenience of never having to leave the bed is something I am SO envious of. I also have come into the bad habit of falling asleep in bed while feeding Ryland, which usually results in the bottle leaking all over the bed, Ryland and me. Nothing quite like waking up soaked in formula..

A friend of mine was telling me how this week is world breast feeding week, more info can be found here. I couldn't believe some of the things she was telling me regarding the amount of women (in her state) that choose not to breast feed or stop breast feeding at 6 months. Its something Mark and I have discussed, mostly because we just can't understand the logic behind it. Besides the obvious benefits nutritionally of breast milk, why would ANYONE choose to spend an extra $30+ a week to buy formula when they could be saving that money and breast feeding?

 I was thinking about this and thought, maybe its that women are ashamed about breast feeding. Maybe the looks of strangers at a restaurant, in a store, comments made by pediatricians, family and friends has completely pushed the average American woman to not want to breast feed. From what I hear from friends, television etc, it seems that instead of encouraging women to breast feed they are told their children SHOULD be on formula. 

I know the night I gave birth Ryland was feeding like a mad man. One of the nurses came in to check on me and had asked when the last time he ate was. I told her he had been feeding on and off all night, she looked at me like I was an idiot (and to be honest, after that look I thought I might be). She said "oh he shouldn't be feeding that often, would you like me to give him some formula so you can get some sleep?". I being a first time young mom, stupid and uneducated before having my son thought that my natural instinct to feed him was wrong and I trusted that what the nurse said was right, I mean hell-she worked around newborns all the time. Looking back, I'm so angry still about the situation. Why do medical professionals encourage women to use formula? This woman knew I planned on breast feeding, but still said I should supplement with formula.

 I know that there is some monetary incentive (I was handed 2 large bags of formula samples as I left the hospital) but is that money enough to compromise children's health? To affect a bond between a mother and her child? To add extra expenses to the family's bill? I just can't imagine that people that would dedicate their lives to taking care of infants and helping bring children into the world would say that money is more important than overall health (mental and physical) of children and their families.

When did the majority of the population start to feel that breast feeding was inappropriate for shopping malls, restaurants. I've heard some crazy things come from people's mouths like "breast milk spoils after 6 months and they need formula", "breast milk isn't as nutritious as formula", " if you breast feed a daughter you'll make her a lesbian and if you breast feed a boy you're being disgusting". HOW DID THESE IDEAS COME OUT? Why do people think its odd to breast feed a child over 6 months of age??

I didn't expect for this post to get so long, or even go in this direction. I was just thinking..

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Pictures! Pictures!

4th of July

We got back from our 4th of July week-long extravaganza yesterday. It would take a very long time to go over all the details but in short: we are VERY glad to be home and the next visit to New Jersey will be a very long time from now.

On the positive side: Ryland got to see a lot of family, I got some great pictures of him as always and we gained a VERY cute costume out of the ordeal. My mom went shopping and brought back a skunk costume that she got for $.19, it was a steal. I am going to have a photo shoot sometime this week before we leave for Wisconsin. I can't wait to post the pics.

Day one of my real diet has begun, and good news is: Mark is on board with me! I'm so excited. Usually when I attempt to diet I get sidetracked with burger king that Mark brings home, but since he's on this diet with me that can't happen. I'm hoping once I get into a groove I can stick with it. I find thats the hardest part about starting a diet, getting into a groove.

This week is very busy, I have my final exam in my stat class and then I have the weekend to clean and pack and sunday night we're off for 5 days for Mark's job. I'm pretty excited. The baby is up so I have to run, but I'll post pictures of my little guy in a bit.